Stumbling Block or Stepping Stone
A song by Carol Crain (late wife of Larry Steve Crain)
May the hurts and disappointments of my life
Be a stumbling block or a stepping stone?
Will I allow them to cause bitterness and strife
Or will I let them strengthen me as I walk on?
It's up to me what I let God do in my life...
The choice is mine - to win or lose, to be
stable or confused.
The trials I've had in days gone by
Can make me quit - or determined to try.
Lord, with your help, I'll let them be
a stepping stone.
Some Photographs from South Vietnam, 1971
(Photos by Larry Steve Crain)
Polishing boots for soldiers -- Long Binh U.S. Army post
"Free Lt. Calley" written on shower room
Downtown Saigon (now called Ho Chi Minh City)
Johnny Contreas drives a jeep.
Statue in Saigon
Street Market
Astride a Cobra helicopter
Little girls on the way home from school in Saigon
Austrailians playing for a graduation ceremony for native troops
Lunch at a French restaurant in Saigon
Dale Flowers, U.S. Army
Saigon street
Cam Ranh Bay
On a Saigon street -- U.S. soldiers from Long Binh post
East meets West
Augustus Lane Bagwell
Bill Lorber from Oran, Iowa
Brandon Remp
Dale Flowers and Al Ratliffe
Dale Flowers
An Army reporter, Long Binh Army post
"What's happening?"
Grant Thigpen
"Mamasan" at Long Binh, U.S. Army post
With gold-covered teeth
One barracks area of Long Binh U.S. Army post, South Vietnam
Making lunch
Ox cart
Mike Metzger
Art for sale on a Saigon street
Chess player
SFC Seales
A Catholic statue
Special Forces: U.S. soldier
Cambodian troops graduate training in South Vietnam.
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